Supporting Student Success
Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Education program focuses on expanding educational opportunities and giving more students a chance to pursue their dreams.
Expanding access to high-quality charter schools across the U.S.
Ensuring that more high-achieving, lower-income students apply to and attend top U.S. colleges and universities
Investing in career and technical training in high schools
Supporting university partnerships to expand opportunities for students at Johns Hopkins University, Princeton University, and New York University
Advocating for pro-reform K-12 policies
Strengthening K-12 Education
Bloomberg Philanthropies works to increase access to high-performing public charter schools in 20 key metro areas, with the goal to create 150,000 new charter seats by 2026. The historic initiative, which builds on Mike’s longtime support for education reform in New York City and nationally, is expanding high-performing charter networks, creating new and innovative charter schools, and strengthening existing schools. In partnership with leading local and national organizations, our support is helping public charters to improve their academic offerings, recruit talented teachers, build and launch schools, and attract support for additional charter seats. Since the initiative’s launch, our partners have developed a pipeline of nearly 65,000 seats to be opened in the coming years.

Global Reach, Local Impact: Washington, D.C.
Watch how we are improving equity in education
In 2022, driven by data on student learning loss caused by the pandemic, we launched Summer Boost NYC to support summer learning at public charter schools across New York City. The program provided more than 16,000 K-8 students with summer learning and enrichment opportunities, and we saw strong progress, with the percentage of students meeting standards nearly doubling in math and more than doubling in English. The program’s success led us to expand it to seven additional cities in 2023: Baltimore, Birmingham, Indianapolis, Memphis, Nashville, San Antonio, and Washington, D.C.
We also support Global Cities, Inc., which promotes global competency and civic engagement among young people by using virtual exchange to connect students with peers in cities around the world. The program has developed and tested educational strategies and resources that can be adapted to all K-12 classrooms. In total, it has reached more than 105,000 students since 2013, helping them develop the knowledge and skills to succeed in an increasingly interconnected world.

Global Reach, Local Impact: New York City

65,000new charter seats committed toward 150,000 seat goal
Students in Washington, D.C., attended the District of Columbia International School, a high-performing charter school we support through our national charters initiative, which aims to create 150,000 new charter seats nationwide by 2026.
Connecting Talented Students with Top Colleges
Bloomberg Philanthropies’ CollegePoint program provides free virtual college advising to help talented, lower-income high school students apply to top U.S. colleges and universities and navigate the financial aid process —with a new focus on supporting those who would be the first in their families to attend college. The program has provided free advising to 64,000 students since 2014.
Through the American Talent Initiative, launched in partnership with the Aspen Institute and Ithaka S+R, we bring top schools together to enroll more high-achieving, lower-income students. The coalition now numbers 137 colleges and universities committed to this work. Since 2016, despite enrollment challenges created by the pandemic, participating schools continue to enroll talented, lower-income students and share strategies to accelerate this progress.
Bloomberg Philanthropies also works with select universities on other strategic partnerships and support for students, including:
- Making Johns Hopkins University need-blind and loan-free for undergraduates in perpetuity;
- Launching the Georgina and Charlotte Bloomberg Fellows Program at New York University for students interested in pursuing careers in public service; and
- Creating the Emma Bloomberg Center for Access and Opportunity at Princeton University to promote access and opportunity for students from first-generation, low-income, and underrepresented backgrounds.
Building 21st-Century Job Skills
Bloomberg Philanthropies invests in U.S. career and technical education to improve skills- and jobs-based training in high schools, with the goal to provide greater economic mobility and opportunities in growing fields. The initiative supports work-based programs that offer high school students apprenticeships and paid experience in workplaces, and school-based career programs that provide students with industry credentials and experience within their school curriculum. We invest in programs across the country that have become national models, including CareerWise Colorado, an innovative apprenticeship program that has now been replicated in Washington, D.C., New York City, and Indiana with our support.

Bloomberg Philanthropies partnered with New York City to expand career and technical education for students in growing fields. Credit: Courtesy of NYC Public Schools
Career and Technical Education
In 2022, we expanded our career and technical education work to New York City as part of a city-led partnership to connect 3,000 students across more than 50 schools with paid multi-year apprenticeships. This work prepares students for careers in technology, healthcare, business, and more.

90,000students have participated in programs we support
In Indianapolis, Indiana, students at George Washington Community High School, which we support through our career and technical education program, benefited from career pathways and training for in-demand fields like healthcare.

Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Education program
Top photo: A student at Bronx Design and Construction Academy in New York City learned electrical knowledge and skills through a career and technical education program. Bloomberg Philanthropies is working with the city to expand these programs and reach more students. Photo Credit: Courtesy of NYC Public Schools