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Bloomberg Philanthropies

In 2017, Bloomberg Philanthropies invested in nearly 480 cities across more than 120 countries

Public Health

This document lays out, for the first time the health and economic benefits of implementing the most cost-effective and feasible interventions to prevent and control NCDs (WHO Best Buys) in low- and lower-middle-income countries.

Founder's Projects

An in-depth examination of the issues facing America’s city leaders, from the heartland to the high-rise

Public HealthImproving Road Safety

The Macro-Economic And Welfare Benefits of Reducing Road Traffic Injuries in Low- & Middle-Income Countries

Government InnovationMayors Challenge

What we shared and learned in the first phase of the 2017 U.S. Mayors Challenge

Bloomberg Philanthropies

Bloomberg Philanthropies works to ensure better, longer lives for the greatest number of people by focusing on five key areas: the arts, education, the environment, government innovation, and public health

Government InnovationAutonomous Vehicles

We’ve combed through the most insightful reports, forecasts, and announcements to produce this compact primer on the future of cities and autonomous vehicles. It is a scan of the future horizon, indicating clear directions of change where there is strong consensus among leading experts.

Public HealthPreventing Drowning

This guide provides practical steps to reduce drowning – one of the world’s most preventable, neglected and pressing public health issues. Through 10 evidence-based interventions and strategies it is designed to help drowning-prevention practitioners – from nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and researchers to government officials and policy-makers – approach drowning prevention in a strategic, evidence-based and multisectoral way.

Government InnovationMayors Challenge

Lessons from the Stockholm Biochar Project


The questions were developed as a guide to help education leaders ask the critical questions about any digital exchange on offer.
