Follow the Data Podcast: The Politics of Food

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed virtually everything about the way we live – including how we eat.
The pandemic has drastically increased the number of people around the world who are food insecure, while obesity and other diet-related conditions like diabetes and hypertension increase the risk of hospitalization and severe illness from COVID-19.
Improving the quality of our diets and building resilient food systems is critical to public health – which is why Bloomberg Philanthropies is investing another $250 million over the next five years in order to accelerate progress toward creating healthier food environments globally.
On this episode, Dr. Neena Prasad, who leads Bloomberg Philanthropies’ food policy program, sits down with Dr. Marion Nestle – the Paulette Goddard Professor of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health, Emerita, at New York University, and a Visiting Professor of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell. She recently wrote Let’s Ask Marion: What You Need to Know About the Politics of Food, Nutrition, and Health, a series of essays around food politics.
Neena and Marion join the podcast this World Food Day to discuss why food is political; the connection between hunger, obesity, and climate change; and how the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the need – and opportunities – to create a healthier and more socially just food system. This is the first episode in a mini-series around food policy.
To learn more about Marion Nestle’s work, you can read her blog, Food Politics, here.
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More episodes from our coronavirus series include:
- Moving America Beyond Coal
- How Buenos Aires, Argentina, is Responding to COVID-19
- Peer-to-Peer College Advising – Does It Work?
- A Summer Unlike Any Other
- Virtual College Advising – Does It Work?
- Is it Safe to Reopen Schools?
- Your COVID-19 Vaccine Questions, Answered
- How Cities Are Supporting Arts & Culture During COVID-19
- Systemic Racism as a Public Health Issue
- Training an Army of Contact Tracers
- The Pandemic’s Effect on Gun Violence
- The Data Behind the Pandemic
- Food First Responders
- How Helsinki, Finland Is Responding to COVID-19
- Lights, Camera…Action?
- How Freetown, Sierra Leone Is Responding to COVID-19
- The Cost of Recovery for Our Cities, Part 2
- The Cost of Recovery for Our Cities, Part 1
- A Promising Treatment for COVID-19
- Slowing the Spread of COVID-19 in Africa
- The Intersection of COVID-19 and Transportation
- Behind the Scenes of the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Tracking Map
- Responding to a Pandemic Crisis
- How to Help Nonprofits Hit Hard by COVID-19
- “World War C” – Us Against the Microbe