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What can you do to protect the ocean?

How can we safeguard the lives and livelihoods of billions of people…

and support critical ecosystems for huge numbers of species…

and preserve a major carbon sink that’s vital to the fight against climate change?

It turns out, we can do all of those things by protecting our ocean — and you can help.

Today, June 8th, is World Ocean Day, and if you have one minute, you can take a Deep Dive into some of the biggest threats facing our ocean, from loss of coral reefs to overfishing, and find out what you can do to make a difference.

Each episode features an expert from a Bloomberg Ocean Initiative partner giving a quick rundown — about a minute per video — on urgent ocean issues, and opportunities to create a more sustainable future.

A healthy ocean is essential to a healthy planet. And while the challenges are significant, we can all be part of the solutions. Learn more:

Thanks — and happy World Ocean Day!
